Verreos was born in Missouri on February 13, 1967 to a Greek-American father and a Venezuelan mother. Though born in St. Louis, Missouri, he spent his early childhood in Caracas, Venezuela after his father, a U.S. State Department diplomat in Panama, met his mother, whose great uncle had been the president of that country.[citation needed] At age 10, Verreos and his family moved back to the United States and he finished elementary and high school in San Francisco, California. He began college at UCLA, studying Political Science and International Relations, but after graduation, turned his interest to fashion design and pursued additional work at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM) in Los Angeles. He completed the Advanced Fashion Design Program at FIDM
NHK Trophy

The Top Three: (Left to right) Silver went to Japan's Mao Asada, Gold Medalist Akiko Suzuki of Japan, and Bronze, Russia's Alena Leonova

Akiko Suzuki of Japan: Akiko won the Gold, at home and I've discussed her costumes here on my blog in my Skate Canada Fashion posting. I loved both her Free Skate (top photo with the other medalists) and her Short Program (above photo) costumes. My favorite of the two is this gunmetal grey SP one. She wears this while skating to Liszt's "Hungarian Rhapsody" and well, she looks like some Contessa who should have a fabulous Castle to come home to! The black leaf design encircled by crystals is original and elegant. Imagine extending this costume into a floor-length gown! Gorgeous.
<日本の鈴木明子:明子はホームで、金メダルを獲得したと私は投稿私のスケートカナダのファッションに自分のブログにここに彼女の衣装を説明してきました。私は彼女のフリースケート(他のメダリストと上の写真)と彼女のショートプログラムの衣装の両方を愛した。二つの私のお気に入りはこの砲金灰色のSPです。リストの "ハンガリー狂詩曲"にスケートと同様、彼女が家に来るように素晴らしい城を持つべきいくつかのコンテッサのように見えながら、彼女はこれを身に着けている!黒葉のデザインが結晶に囲まれても、元の、エレガントです。床の長さのガウンにこの衣装を延長想像してみてください!ゴージャス。>

Mao Asada of Japan: She got 2nd place in Sapporo. I also give her my "Fashion Silver" Award when it comes to her Grand Prix of Japan fashion. For her Free Dance to Liszt's (a popular choice this season!) "Liebestraume", she looks all things pretty in this lilac-colored ensemble. The delicate crystal flowers detail at the torso could go the route of "Toddlers & Tiaras" in a HOT Triple Lutz Minute, but it didn't. It looked restrained yet still theatrical at the same time and VERY expensive!
<日本の浅田真央:彼女は札幌で2位を得た。それは日本のファッションの彼女のグランプリに来るとき、私はまた彼女が私の"ファッション·シルバー"賞を与える。リストの"愛の夢”に彼女のフリーダンスのために、彼女はかなりこの薄紫色のアンサンブルですべてのものに見えます。胴体で繊細なクリスタルの花の詳細はHOTトリプルルッツ·ミニッツで "幼児&ティアラ"のルートを行くことができるが、それはしませんでした。それは同時に、まだ、まだ演劇を抑制し、非常に高価だった!>

Not sure about that pretzel-twist knotted waistband (looks a bit odd and jarring there), but the beautiful top makes up for it. Now, what I just LOVED was...

Asada's Scheherazade costume. It's so OUT there, it's GOOOOD!!! She looks like a cross between Princess Jasmine of "Aladdin" and an extra in those old "Bob Hope Goes To (fill in the blank)" movies. It's not every day one sees an "I Dream of Jeannie"-like harem pant costume, so as a Fashion Designer, Mao made me smile with "Fashion Glee" when she stepped on the ice.
<浅田真央のシェヘラザードの衣装。そうそこですが、それはGOOOODだ!彼女はプリンセス"アラジン"のジャスミンと、それらの古い内に追加できるエキストラ映画 "ボブ·ホープ(空白で埋める)に行く"の間のクロスのように見えます。それが1つは、 "ジーニーの私には夢が"パンツが衣装ハーレムのようなを見ている毎日ではありませんので、ファッションデザイナーとして、浅田真央は彼女が氷を踏んだときに私は"ファッショングリー"とニヤニヤしてしまった。>
Cup of China

Kanako Muarakami of Japan: I LOVED Kanako's Free Skate costume which she wore skating to "Violin Concerto in E minor, Op. 64" by Mendelssohn. The light blue, aqua and turquoise colors were exquisite and so was the bugle beaded-and-crystal "bow" detail of the torso/top section of her costume. One of my favorite Ladies costumes of the season for sure!
<日本の村上佳菜子:私は彼女がメンデルスゾーンの "。ホ短調ヴァイオリン協奏曲Op 64"にスケートを身に着けていた佳菜子のフリースケートの衣装が好きでした。ライトブルー、アクア、ターコイズ色が絶妙だったので、ラッパであったビーズとクリスタルの胴体/彼女の衣装の一番上のセクションの "弓"詳細。確かに今シーズンの私のお気に入りの女性の衣装の1つ!>

For her Short Program to "Violin Partitia No. 2" by Johann Sebastian Bach, Murakami also went with a colorful (this time lilac, raspberry, light violet with hints of olive green tones) costume. It was a "one-shoulder" style featuring swirl designs, light beading and a flower choker. I think she could have done without that faux rose neck detail (looked a bit 70's for me) but the rest was just right. And both costumes are a HUGE improvement over last year!
<ヨハン·セバスチャン·バッハ "ヴァイオリンPartitia第2番"への彼女のショートプログラムでは、村上もカラフル(この時ライラック、ラズベリー、オリーブグリーンのトーンのヒントをライトバイオレット)の衣装と一緒に行きました。それは渦巻きデザイン、ライトビーズや花の首輪をフィーチャーした "ワンショルダー"のスタイルだった。私は彼女がその偽ものせずに実行可能性があると思うと、首の詳細を(私のためにビット70年代を見た)上昇したが、残りはちょうどでした。両方の衣装は昨年の大幅な改善です!>
Rostelecom Cup

Haruka Imai of Japan: I've talked about Haruka before during this Grand Prix season, however, I have not talked about her Free Skate costume in particular. She skated to a modern arrangement of "My Fair Lady" in the costume seen above. Now, everyone (and her mother) knows those iconic costumes from that film:

Audrey Hepburn looked REGAL in this ivory and crystal detailed "Going to the Ball" gown as well as...

The black-and-white ensemble above. Haruka Imai's costume of fuchsia with black heavy lace overlay had NOTHING of either of the two iconic Hepburn looks. Maybe that was the point but I just didn't "get it". I would have rather she had worn something that had "hints" of one of those two iconic ensembles from the movie. Otherwise, really, what's the point? What do you guys think?